
September 1, 2017

In Defense of Sunrise

Let's talk about light. There are so many options for your portrait session: indoor, outdoor, sunrise, sunset, or middle of the day... there are a lot of options and even more opinions. Here's the skinny about outdoor light for your upcoming shoot. 

If you're booking a portrait session the time of day is definitely a factor to consider. 

Mid-day is generally the least flattering light. There are ways to work around it, but usually it's the warmest and most in-your-face kind of light. If you can choose when to be photographed, keep reading.

Most often, your photographer will point you to sunset time. It's the golden hour, where everything looks like a fairytale. You're glowing with light and your day is winding down.

Still, with all the enchantment of the fading evening, I love shooting in the mornings. There's an energy and possibility in its air. If you can brave the early wake-up, shoot at sunrise. Go to sleep early for one night and give a try. Those soft morning colors and the quiet that comes with it, that feeling like you're the only one awake brings such a closeness in sessions. Like you have a special secret that the whole world is missing out on while they snooze.

I'll shoot a sunset session any day of the week, but ask me about a sunrise one and I'll get little jumping monkeys inside of me. Because it's just that good.



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